Pair with a Bluetooth Device for the Apple iPhone X

1. To pair the iPhone with a Bluetooth device, tap Settings..

2. Tap Bluetooth.

3. Tap the Bluetooth switch to enable the feature, if it is not already active.

4. The phone automatically searches for available Bluetooth devices.

If initiating the pairing from the phone, ensure the Bluetooth device is on and set to discoverable or pairing mode.

Tap the preferred Bluetooth device.

5. If a Bluetooth pairing request appears, verify the passkey is the same on both devices and tap Pair.

If necessary, enter the PIN and tap Pair.

Note:, The default passkey for most Bluetooth headsets is 0000 or 1234. Other devices may have other requirements. Refer to the Bluetooth device's user manual for device specific requirements.

6. The Bluetooth device is now paired.